Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Virginia Bluebells


And on April 27

Over the past weekend, I washed and cleaned all the greenhouse windows, and painted the East and West sides, covering with a tarp to protect from rain.

Last night I planted potatoes and hung up a tarp over the North greenhouse windows to protect from rain until we can better seal the windows.

Orioles arrived today.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Milkweed is looking good!

Today I painted the East and West sides of the greenhouse as well as the frame around the South door. Then I tarped it all to protect from evening rains! 

I rearranged the greenhouse potting soil storage. 

Potatoes went back in fridge for tomorrow. 

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Prepping potatoes for planting, peanut seedlings

Gorgeous Spring day in the garden:
  • Planted salad seedlings in the cold frame and weeded the cold frame
  • Moved potted pansies to front garden 
  • Cut up potatoes for planting
  • Washed greenhouse windows on east and west, as well as doors

Peanut seedlings need replanting.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Seedlings moving out to the greenhouse on April 28

And I bought an ice fishing/hunting sled for hauling leaves and branches.

And planted a redbud tree and a trumpet vine.